• Your Spare Part Warehouse
    Your Spare Part Warehouse
    Hıdırusta is the solutions partner of brands that operate according to excellence with its experienced team of experts and by continually following the latest technology trends.

At The Top Since 1978 …

Hıdırusta Otomotiv took its first steps into the automotive spare parts sector in 1978 and has since 1997 specialised in the wholesale distribution of commercial vehicle spare parts, especially for MAN and Mercedes-Benz. In addition to its head office in Başakşehir, İstanbul, it has branches in Ankara, Gaziantep, Samsun, İzmir and the Asian side of Istanbul.

Hıdırusta At a Glance
Your Spare Part Warehouse We bring the products of more than 60 global brands to our business partners. Your Spare Part Warehouse

Vehicle Groups

We provide spare parts for heavy vehicle and light commercial vehicles to the independent aftermarket. 

Product Groups

We are always with you with our wide product range comprising of high-quality, high standard products. 
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